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4 Stationary Gestures to Show Your Love Across the Miles

giftgiving holiday holidayideas ideas letters long distance long distance relationship love loveletters notes relationship romanticideas

In a technology-riddled world, people have lost their desire for using the mail. It is still exciting to get things in the mail, especially when they come from the heart. A lot of us have moved away from our families due to restarting our lives in other places, but these stipulations do not stop us from showing that we still care about them. There are many ways to reach your loved ones outside of a computer or phone call. Here are five different ways to use the US mail to show you care about your loved ones, especially when you're in a long distance relationship.

Give someone a magazine subscription
Sometimes they have specific reading material that they love. If you are not a person to really show your words or be overly mushy, you can always gift something that they would find enlightening instead to show your love that way.

An old fashion letter
Dazzle your letter with fun fonts and stamps. Write your loved ones a letter to catch them up on news in your personal life and compliment them with something verbally and aesthetically pleasing.

Send a homemade care package
Everyone has a love language. A favorite food, movie, color, or snack. Make a box up for family members and fill it with goodies to get through the holidays. Send mementos from wherever you live now, and send items that you know your loved one will appreciate.

Get them a subscription to a box
Monthly boxes are very trendy. There are boxes for tech nerds and foodies. Stickers, bark boxes for the dogs, and art supplies for people. Research the large market of monthly subscriptions for a fun and exciting box to go to your loved one each month. They have a price range of around ten dollars a month, some more and some less.

Have you tried any of these ideas recently? We're especially fans of old-fashioned letters and know the warmth it brings, especially to a long distance love.

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