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4 Ways to Make Mom Feel Special on Mother’s Day

If you ask most moms for the best gift ideas for Mother’s Day, they will tell you all they want is to spend time with their family. So, give her what she wants—a day spent together.

For some fresh ideas, check out four fun ways to spend the day with mom.

Take an art class

Mother's Day gifts

Photo by pexels.com

Taking a class together is an enjoyable way to explore your artsy sides, whether or not you have them. You will also experience the bonding benefits of trying something new together. And if you end up fumbling your way through it, even better, you’ll probably also end up cracking each other up. If you are unsure where to find a class, search out a paint and sip class. Guided instruction leads you through the steps to create a painted masterpiece, while enjoying the camaraderie of a group glass—and a glass or two of wine.

Do some DIY

Mother's Day gifts DIY

Photo by pexels.com

Your mom probably has a project in her home she’s been meaning to get to. Make a date to tackle it once and for all, together. Not only are two heads better than one—and four hands better than two—when it comes to home projects, but the finished result will serve as a reminder of the lovely day you spent together. And don’t forget to take before and after photos she can share with her friends on social media. Even if the project doesn’t quite turn out as planned. There’s fun to be had in failed DIY projects, too—and probably a lot of laughs.

Feel the burn

Mother's Day gift

Photo by pixabay.com

You don’t need to be fitness queens to try a new work out together. In fact, maybe you even use this opportunity to make a pact together to prioritize your health. The trick is to find something you will both enjoy and be successful at. Check out your area fitness facilities for ideas like yoga, Pilates, or fitness dance classes. And if you find a class you both love, give her a unique Mother’s Day gift of a membership that also includes a standing date to go to classes together.  

Go treasure hunting

Mother's Day gifts

Photo by pexels.com

Picking and poking your way through antique stores and flea markets gives you lots of precious one-on-one time to reminisce—especially when you run across nostalgic pieces from the past. Let her talk, listen to her stories—you just might pick up some nuggets of family history you never knew about. For a thoughtful Mother’s Day gift, pick up a memento from your day that brings up fond memories of her past—and your day together.

When it comes to celebrating mom on Mother’s Day, nothing is better than spending time together. And if, along the way, you find something new that you can do together—not just on Mother’s Day, but throughout the year—even better.

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