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Support Essential Workers with Kind Messages

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that heroes are everywhere among us. And as the saying goes, they don’t wear capes. They take care of patients, deliver our mail, teach our children, fill store shelves, keep mass transit moving -- and the list goes on and on. 

You can show your support by sharing your kind messages with the essential workers who are putting themselves in the front line day after day. Reminding them that what they are doing is making a difference and giving them the boost they need to carry on is a powerful act of support and just might go a long way toward lifting their spirits. 

Looking for ideas to share your kind messages with essential workers? Here are a few. 

Make Window & Yard Signs

kind messages for essential workers

Photo by pexels.com

Make a sign for your yard or window to brighten someone’s day on their walk or drive to work each day. You can get the whole family together to make signs for your windows or go a bit more elaborate and make a DIY yard sign filled with kind messages of inspiration.

Say Thank You

kind messages for essential workers

Photo by pexels.com

It’s easy to skip this simple step while going through the motions of day-to-day life. Taking a moment to make eye contact and deliver a sincere thank you to the person serving your community by ringing up groceries, driving the bus, or making deliveries just might make all the difference. You may never know just how much your kind message will help lift their spirits if they’re having a tough day.

Send a Thank You Note

kind messages

Photo by pexels.com

Taking the time to send a handwritten thank you note with kind messages is a generous gesture anyone is sure to appreciate. However, finding just the right words to express what is in your heart may not always be so easy. For your inspiration, here are some ideas for words of encouragement to share with essential workers.

May you be protected and blessed in all that you do.

Believe in yourself.

Your courage and strength are inspiring.

When you grow tired, rest, but don’t give up.

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

Your giving heart is your gift. Thank you for sharing it. 

Forget the day’s troubles.

Remember the day’s blessings. 

Keep your mind filled with positive thoughts. 

This fight is worth fighting -- keep going. Have faith that better days are ahead. 

Send KindNotes

kind messages for essential workers

To make your gift of gratitude even more special, send KindNotes, an elegant keepsake glass jar filled with 31 thank you notes, tucked into decorative mini envelopes. Your recipient can get a boost of encouragement by reading your kind messages all at once, one a day, or anytime they need a pick-me-up. You can choose from our Essential Worker messages to find just the right sentiments and create a meaningful memento they will never forget.

Shop our unique KindNotes collections to share your kind messages with essential workers. 

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